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Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Manufacturer

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Manufacturer

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) belongs to the group of cellulose ethers in which the hydroxyl group has been replaced by one or more of the three hydroxyl groups present in the cellulose ring.HPMC is a hydrophilic (water-soluble), biodegradable, and biocompatible polymer with wide-ranging applications in the areas of drug delivery, dyestuffs and paints, cosmetics, adhesives, coatings, agriculture, and textiles.


HPMC is primarily used in construction materials such as tile adhesives and plasters as a rheological modifier and water retention agent.

Functionally, HPMC is very similar to HEMC (hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose). (Hydroxypropyl) methyl cellulose is used as a thickener for aqueous and non-aqueous systems, transparent films with grease resistance, adhesives, lubricants, space stabilizers, and water retention agents. Soluble in water, reversible gelation occurs when heated, nonionic, does not complex with ionic substances, surface active and enzyme resistant. The solution is pseudoplastic.

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Water retention
Enhance water retention, improve the phenomenon of poor hardening and cracking caused by too fast drying and hydration of cement and gypsum building materials.
Improvement of ease of use
Increase the plasticity of mortar, improve the workability of industrial coatings, and improve work efficiency;
Due to the increase of mortar plasticity, it can better bond with the substrate and be bonded;
Due to its thickening effect, it can prevent the occurrence of slipping of mortar and bonded objects during the construction process.


What are the main application areas of HPMC in the construction industry?
HPMC is mainly used in ceramic tile adhesive, wall putty, cement-based mortar, gypsum-based mortar, self-leveling flooring, exterior wall insulation mortar, and so on.
Can HPMC be blended with other additives in construction materials?
Yes, HPMC can be blended with a variety of additives, such as dispersible polymer powders, cellulose ethers and defoamers, depending on the specific application requirements.
What are the methods and precautions for using HPMC?
The main method of use is to gradually add HPMC to water while stirring until it is completely dissolved. Precautions include avoiding adding too much HPMC at one time to prevent agglomeration.
What are the storage conditions for HPMC?
HPMC should be stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated environment, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
What are the precautions for transportation of HPMC?
When transporting HPMC, make sure the package is intact and undamaged, avoid moisture and heat, and do not mix the package with toxic and harmful items.

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Tel.:+86 151 3018 1309

Add.:Mayu Industrial Park, Jinzhou City, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China