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HPMC Manufacturer In China

HPMC Manufacturer In China

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) is a non-ionic cellulose ether made from cellulose, a natural polymer material, through a series of chemical processing. It is a non-toxic, odorless white powder that forms a transparent viscous colloid when completely dissolved in water. Adding hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose to building materials can significantly improve the performance of building materials, greatly improving construction efficiency and quality. It can also improve the performance of plastering mortar, waterproof mortar, paint, adhesive and some other building materials. Chinshang hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose hpmc has the characteristics of high water retention, good dispersion, good fineness, good constructability, easy to dissolve and so on. Its viscosity and gel time can be customized according to customer needs.

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1) Appearance: HPMC is a nonionic cellulose ether, white off-white powder or granule, odorless and tasteless, easily soluble in cold water, glacial acetic acid, ethanol, methanol and propylene glycol, slightly soluble in acetone according to the degree of substitution, and almost insoluble in hot water, ethylene glycol and toluene. hpmc is dissolved in the 10% methanol and 90% methylene chloride mixture to form a colloidal solution.
(2) HPMC solution has surface activity, high transparency and stable performance. When heated to a certain temperature, the solution becomes turbid or forms a flocculent gel. However, the solution becomes clear again after cooling. Different types of HPMC have different gel temperatures. Solubility varies with viscosity. The lower the viscosity, the higher the solubility. Different types of HPMC differ in certain properties and their solubility in water is not affected by pH.
3) Particle size: 80 mesh passing rate 100%.
4) Apparent density: 0.25-0.70 g/mL (usually about 0.5 g/mL), specific gravity 1.26-1.31mL.
5) Discoloration temperature: 190-200°C; carbonization temperature: 280-300°C.
6 ) Surface tension: 42-56 dyn/cm (2% aqueous solution).
7 ) The higher the methoxy content in HPMC, the lower the gelatinization temperature, the higher the solubility and surface activity in water.

8 ) HPMC also has some other properties, such as thickening, pH stability, water retention, excellent film formation, good dispersion and adhesion.


a) Construction
- Used as a water retainer and retarder in mortars to give good pumpability.
- Used as binder in mortar, gypsum material, putty powder or other building materials to improve its ease of use and prolong operation time.
- Used as a paste enhancer for tiles, marbles and plastic decorations to reduce the amount of cement.
- The water retention of HPMC prevents the paste from drying and cracking too quickly after spraying and enhances the strength after hardening.
b) Ceramic industry
- Widely used as adhesive in ceramic production industry.
c) Coating Industry
- Used as thickener, dispersant and stabilizer in coating industry.
- Good compatibility in water or organic solvents.
- Used as paint stripper/paint remover.
d) Ink printing
- Used as a thickener, dispersant and stabilizer in the printing ink industry.
- Good compatibility in water or organic solvents.
e) Plastics
- Used as molding release agent, softener, lubricant.
f) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- Used as a dispersant in the production of polyvinyl chloride, PVC suspension polymerization of the main additives
g) Others:
- Widely used in leather, paper products, textile, fruit and vegetable preservation and other industries.

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Tel.:+86 151 3018 1309

Add.:Mayu Industrial Park, Jinzhou City, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China